An ugly outbreak of acne can leave you rattled and devastated. At the outset, you probably wouldn’t know what to do and try all over the counter products possible. With this, you subject your skin to more and more abuse,… Continue Reading →
Excessive underarm sweat can often be a cause of major embarrassment. Not only does it give rise to foul body odour, visible yellowish stains might also appear on the clothing. The usage of over the counter antiperspirants would hardly help…. Continue Reading →
Ugly pimple marks and acne breakouts are no less than nightmarish, especially, if they choose to stay on. Pimples could be a result of several factors. They are most often related to hormonal changes, enhanced stress levels, unhealthy eating habits… Continue Reading →
Ulcers occurring on the tongue or mouth can be extremely painful and annoying because they make the process of chewing food really cumbersome. Commonly known as canker sores or tongue sores, sufferers of ulcers may find it difficult to relish… Continue Reading →
Pores on the face is a common condition and almost inevitable too. However, problem arises when they are large enough to distort the facial complexion. Whereas some people would be naturally blessed with smaller ones, others might have to take… Continue Reading →
Why vitamin Supplements? A Reality check According to the doctors if you eat healthy and nutritious food there is no need for vitamin supplements. This is not necessarily to me. Most of us eat on the fly with one or… Continue Reading →