stomach acid is one condition which is very painful, and it cannot be avoided at any cost, because of the fact that the lining of your intestine, is being exposed to the acid which is present in the stomach, and… Continue Reading →
one of the most annoying things after you have meal is to belch. Belching is one of the most irritating things that can actually make you the laughing stock of people, and many people will actually be disgusted in your… Continue Reading →
Baby mouth thrush is a common harmless yeast infection caused to infants. Yeast known as Candida Albicans causes this thrush to occur in the mouth of the baby. This will look like milk curds or cottage cheese on the sides… Continue Reading →
I Am Pregnant With Sore Throat What Can I Take? Understand pregnancy and medications for sore throat Pregnancy is a delicate period in a womans life when she has to care not only for herself but also the growing child… Continue Reading →
Do children get anxious and depressed It is a misunderstood fact among many parents that children just misbehave and have tantrums or are just glum out of option, but I would say that depression and anxiety is not the ailment… Continue Reading →
Green tea and weight loss The present rage for weight loss is drinking green tea. This is very much evident from the number of people that have started taking this wonder beverage to los weight. Experts vary on their opinion… Continue Reading →