Month October 2012

Will exercise get rid of acne?

The answer is Yes and also No. There are 2 versions with some believing that sweat as a result of exercise helped to remove the skin debris and prevent acne, while still others believe that sweat clogs the pores and… Continue Reading →

Tell Me Some Good Herbal Remedies For Irritability

Anxiety and irritability are the norm of modern society In todays fast paced life it is but natural for people to get irritable and depressed. It is quite common to see people getting anxious not only when facing up death… Continue Reading →

Tell Me An Effective Homeopathic Remedy For Anger

Anger is deep emotional problem homeopathy could play a role in its treatment Anger arises out of deep rooted emotional injuries or emotional problems that could show up in a variety of ways as violent outbursts, deep rooted and suppressed… Continue Reading →

Why is my acne getting worse?

It is common for acne to get worse when we pick or handle them often and after sleep at night. Picking and squeezing blackheads or acne makes them bleed and get infected with the bacteria on the face. Acne skin… Continue Reading →

Why do you get acne on your chest?

The reasons that you get acne on the chest are the same as the causes for acne in other parts of the body. It is well understood that the sebaceous glands beneath the skin surface that produces oil and the… Continue Reading →

Tell Me An Effective Aspergers Natural Treatment

Know and diagnose Aspergers syndrome It is best to say that Aspergers syndrome is more of a neurobiological disorder that is characterized with a significant impairment in social skills with other abnormal developments like repetitive or very restricted areas of… Continue Reading →

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