What causes erectile Dysfunction?
For any man the topic of erectile dysfunction is really embarrassing but of late the topic is in the news. Many commercials for Viagra and Cialis and the latest herbal supplements to treat erectile dysfunction have appeared. We do not know how many more sponsors of celebrity will come forward. The topic of erectile dysfunction is no longer hush hush type as it is used to be. Erectile dysfunction should only be diagnosed by a doctor and under no circumstances be self treated without knowing the specific cause. Though many products are sold to treat the symptoms of ED, not all of them are tested properly or approved by the FDA for treatment of Ed. Beware of spurious products which make tall claims without substantiating credible research.
Erectile dysfunction, according to trustworthy online resources, has several physical or psychological causes and in some cases both. Under physical organic causes are included conditions of blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, low testosterone levels, prostrate cancer and diabetes besides certain systematic and respiratory conditions. It is strange that certain medications like anti depressants, anti psychotics, anti hypertensive, anti ulcer drugs, prostrate cancer treatments and cholesterol drugs are responsible for erectile dysfunction. Alcohol and illicit drug use also can be a cause for ED. Ageing men develop ED and depression due to loss of spouse may also trigger Ed. Stress at home or work and trouble in relation ship can also contribute to ED.
Post trauma or injury to the penis or pelvic region due to accident or during a surgical operation affects blood supply to pelvic nerves and prepares the basis for ED. Light treatment can be given to ED only through proper and exact diagnosis of the cause. A total, complete and thorough physical examination by a qualified medical professional is absolutely essential for the right treatment. There are effective treatments available whatever the cause and people can achieve full erection and keep it up against all obstacles. Ensure you consult a qualified doctor to determine the exact cause of ED and the mot suitable course of treatment.