Prostate difficulties

Infection of the Prostate. Most prostate infections are incurred during youth in the active sexual years and are caused

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Fig. 108. The prostate gland has a minor sexual and hormonal function. The urine must pass through the prostate gland as through a worm hole in an apple. An infection or growth may close this narrow channel.

by gonorrhea and similar infections. However, in later years, prostate infections are more often due to focal points of infection, such as the teeth or tonsils. When the prostate gland harbors infection, it tends to spread, not only into the urinary tract, but to the rest of the body as well. In youth, or in later years, prostate infection is very stubborn and difficult to eradicate completely. It is often the underlying cause of arthritis and headaches, and complete cure of this infection becomes very important.

Treatment of prostate infections cannot be accomplished by drinking large amounts of water, flushing the kidneys or other simple remedies. The complete cure of these infections is often very difficult and time consuming, even for the experienced physician who must direct the patient through many weeks of scheduled treatment before effective cure is certain.

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