While curing ailments like poor eyesight, joint pains or hearing loss is rather impossible, especially for hearing loss; others can be treated for relief including hearing impairment. It is only the affected person who knows what to do with the disease. We should first know the background for hearing loss the reason behind it and how it could be prevented. Hearing loss can be considered as the reduction in sound produced through the ear. A number of causes lead to hearing impairment of which two major types are conductive and sensor neural hearing loss.
Types of Impairment
In conductive hearing loss the Oscilla (tiny bones) within the ear are broken or there is a block in the canal leading to the middle ear or eardrum causing a reduction of sound. Reconstructive surgery can be resorted to or simply cleaning out your ears frequently. Sensor neural hearing loss is more serious where the auditory nerve from the ear reaching the auditory cortex of the brain is either missing totally or damaged. This results in extreme or even absence of sound. The damage is permanent and lifelong. Sensor neural hearing loss is caused by viral infection, birth defects, drug addition or prolonged exposure to loud music or noise.
Options for Treatment
There is no known cure for hearing impairment. Research is being conducted to find a cure for this ailment. The best thing is to consult your doctor to find ways of treating the ailment. There are new highly advanced hearing aids, which amplify the sound when inserted in the ear. One who is deaf in one or two ears should consult a speech pathologist to know more about sign language and other ways of communications. You have to live with the ailment and accept it until a permanent cure is found. Family support and that of friends will be a great help in alleviation and can be one s own cure for hearing loss.
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