Using the sense of smells to change a person’s mood and to cure certain ailments is what that you can study in the alternative medicine Aromatherapy. You learn how to use the plant materials like essential oils and other parts of the plants to treat patients. This is learnt effectively in an aromatherapy school.
A perfume maker discovered it
The aromatherapy school teaches you how this unconventional therapy was discovered by a perfume maker. It is an interesting story that happened in the nineteenth century. A French chemist accidentally lit his arm and he had to use the lavender oil nearby to put out the fire. This made him find out that the arm healed quickly and there was no scar of burns. From that point onwards he began to do research in aromatherapy.
In an aromatherapy school you can learn about the different essential oils and their healing properties. Apart from learning how to apply and which oil to apply for an ailments you will also be taught how much to apply for that particular ailment. You learn aromatherapy as a science in the aromatherapy school. The aromatherapy school graduates are also taught to use this treatment only in a professional setting.
Some Doctors Disagree
There are some doctors who disagree with the aromatherapy schools and what is taught in them. They are against aromatherapy as a whole. It is their opinion that there is no enough evidence to the results of the treatment done through aromatherapy. It is their opinion that the aromatherapy school students are taught to relieve stress and nothing else.
Stress Relief through Aromatherapy
These doctors agree that some patients have got some aromatherapy procedures that helped them to relieve stress. Sometimes there are ailments that get cured when stress is relieved and this is what has happened most of the times. They insist that aromatherapy cannot be compared to the conventional medicine for serious ailments. This could be the biggest obstacle for aromatherapy and it is felt by the aroma therapists also. This prevents aromatherapy to come to the main stream.
Although doctors disagree with the effective results there are aromatherapy school teachers who agree. That is why more students are coming to aromatherapy school is their opinion. You can find an aromatherapy school in your locality or near your area. Aromatherapy schools are coming up all over the country. You have to try a course in an aromatherapy school to know the effect of smell on your body and mind.