if you find yourself spending a lot of time in the toilet, and you find that you have not been able to pass stool for a long time, then you would definitely come to know that you are suffering from constipation, one of the causes of irritable bowel syndrome. If you feel that you have irritable bowel syndrome, it could mean that there are a lot of causes and concerns for you in the near future.
Your diet would have to be controlled, and you would have to live under a life of restriction, if you want to get rid of such a situation. There are a lot of people all over the world who had been suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, and the people of America are the worst hit in this ailment, as one out of every five people in America have been suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.
Irritable bowel syndrome is not a particular disease, but a collection of diseases, that can actually hit you, and make your life miserable, in terms of you having any food, or also getting stomach cramps without any warning of any sort.
Getting irritable bowel syndrome actually causes you a lot of pain and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, and you would not be able to deal with that pain, until this with the help of a medical practitioner, and also the help of a diet expert enabled to give you a diet chart, which you must follow very strictly. Most of the symptoms that are associated with irritable bowel movement is actually abdominal pain, and bloating, and constipation along with diarrhoea.
If you find any of those situations prevalent in your body, it would be very wise of you to get the help of a medical practitioner, and get the necessary medication along with the diet chart on how you should maintain and live the life from now on, in order to get rid of the situation. The diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome is done by looking at the symptoms, physical examination, and also having a glance at the medical history of the patient. If the family of the patient is actually been suffering from this disease, it is more likely that the patient would also be suffering from the same disease, and herein, the doctor can prescribe the necessary medication that can take care of the situation.
There are many natural methods with which you can actually treat irritable bowel syndrome, and one of them is actually peppermint oil. Peppermint oil is very effective in taking care of the muscle cramps that are associated with irritable bowel syndrome, and they can actually help you in getting rid of the bloating, by getting rid of the excess cash that is present in the colon area. Using peppermint oil is strictly forbidden for children and pregnant women, as it would inhibit the muscle cramps that is actually very necessary for them in the stage of life.