What is social phobia
Social phobia, quite similar to the fear we feel on the stage when we are unprepared to make a speech or presentation shows up in certain people when they go even for a simple lunch party or social outing. This could show up as butterflies in our stomach and sweaty palms, with a constant fear that they are being adversely judged by people and may do something that is both humiliating and embarrassing. It is quite common to see such people simply isolating themselves from people and social situations.

Social phobia could find their roots in genetics, where some are more prone to feelings of fears, anger, critical evaluation and rejection, with anxiety being the predominant trait of certain families. Some other causes could be placed on psychological differences in individuals where some may from childhood be shy personalities or may also have been subject to traumatic experiences or may have been subject to critical evaluation and comparisons of parents. Physiological differences in the structure of the brain and its composition could also cause excess response of negative emotions like fear and rejection.
1.As for most fear and anxiety problems it would help to find ways to get over this condition, and this is best done with practicing the methods of relaxation. Yoga and meditation methods work best to not only make one feel cool and calm but also to slowly remove the cause of the fear. It pays to also do deep breathing exercises daily, deep breathing and breathing out of air with small gaps in between has helped many to feel good about them. These techniques can be used with comfort later in situations that bring on instant anxiety.
2.Lack of love has been the reason for many to have anxiety and fears, this applying to fears and anxiety that everyone is critical of them, and may make them embarrassed and rejected. So social phobia natural treatment find their solutions in first starting to love your own self. Once you are able to look at positive points in yourself, you would be able to feel good about yourself physically and mentally. This would build up a great sense of confidence in your own self and remove the fear of facing society.
3.Human being are social animals and benefit a lot from giving and receiving support from one another, so your phobia about society would find its solution first in enlisting the support of your close family and trusted friends. This would not only help you meet others that have similar difficulties and fears, but would also make you come across others that you could help and feel good. It is a well realized fact that all of us feel good when we help others to feel good.
4.There could be no other substitute social phobia natural treatment than leading a healthy lifestyle with a well balanced diet, rest, sleep and exercise. Alcohol and illicit liquor could probably give you an initial feeling of intoxication, but could later be the start off of more fear and anxiety problems. Avoiding stimulants like tea, coffee, and foods with high sugar content is highly recommended, these foods have been found to increase the risk of anxiety and panic attacks.
5.Exercise, an integral part of a healthy lifestyle can prove to be the most effective social phobia natural treatment, for nothing else could help ward off chemicals that cause stress and pump in feel good and happy hormones better than it.
Lastly our fears and phobias about society stem from the fact that we have been let done at least once by not being able to perform to the society and our satisfaction, so social phobia natural treatment rests on creating small goals that can be easily attained. The attaining of these goals would be helped well with maintaining eye contact, greeting people cheerfully and complimenting others as we go about our work.