Emphysema is a thinning out of the lung tissue itself and is seen only rarely below the age of fifty. When not enough lung tissue remains to carry on easy, effective breathing, more rapid breathing is required for complete full… Continue Reading →
Examination of the Female Chest 1. Stand before the mirror in the usual erect position, with all clothing removed above the waist. Note any difference of the breast in size, shape or position and closely inspect the nipple for possible… Continue Reading →
The chest The chest is a cage of breastbone, ribs and vertebrae, covered with muscles, ligaments and skin. In its external aspect, the chest includes the breasts, ribs, breastbone and upper spine, while internally it houses and protects the heart,… Continue Reading →
The neck The neck, the support and connection for the head to the body, is also the location of the thyroid gland and many human ills as well. Examination of the Neck The neck is examined in a well-lighted position… Continue Reading →
Intertrigo, Sweat Rash Reddened, wet and itching skin under large breasts and in the skin folds of obese abdomens is called intertrigo. The skin may be macerated, cracked and have erosions appearing as though sand-papered, and boil-like eruptions may appear.This… Continue Reading →