Breast Cancer – Effect of Environmental and Other Risk Factors Despite continuous research the exact cause for breast cancer has not been identified. Though many factors are supposed to cause breast cancer, many women do not have the risk factor…. Continue Reading →
Women are very much concerned at the extensive nature of breast surgery. In the last few decades surgical efforts have been fine tuned through great efforts. The aim of modern breast surgery is to retain and protect as much of… Continue Reading →
Rectocele (Herniated Rectum). A rectum that bulges forward and out through a weakened wall of the vagina also presents the sensation of “something falling” out of the vagina. It is nearly pletely to straining pressure from the rectum, and bulges… Continue Reading →
Cancer of the Vulva. Cancer of the vulva, or external vagina, is not the most common cancer in the genital tract, but it is one cancer that can be detected by the patient in its early stages before it has… Continue Reading →
Cancer of the Prostate Gland. Cancer of the prostate gland behaves exactly like non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate, and is treated in essentially the same manner-removal of the gland. Cancer, however, which has a characteristic feel to the finger, and… Continue Reading →
Chancroid-Ducrey Infection. Chancre-like sores on the penis and other parts of the body, often thought to be syphilitic in nature, are sometimes caused by non-venereal types of bacteria and organisms such as the Ducrey bacillus. There are other infective types… Continue Reading →