Cancer of the colon and rectum is a severe disease of the older age group, but its outlook is nearly four times better than cancer of the stomach and chances of its cure are better than 50 percent. An important… Continue Reading →
Cancer of the Stomach. Cancer of the stomach is a very serious disease, much rarer than the ordinary ulcer, and found among men twice as often as in women. It accounts for about 30 percent of all cancer deaths each… Continue Reading →
Cancer of the Lung is a most important disease after the age of fifty. Much more common in men than in women, its occurrence rate is increasing faster than any other kind of cancer. The cause remains unknown but tremendous… Continue Reading →
Cancer of the Pharynx. Malignant growth, especially cancer, often occurs in the pharynx, base of the tongue and the vocal cords. Unfortunately this area cannot be seen without the aid of special mirrors and lighting arrangements. The features arousing suspicions… Continue Reading →
Leukoplakia. A whitish discoloration, as a soft wet crusting on the tongue surface and occasionally on the inner surface of the cheek, is termed leukoplakia. It is the result of chronic irritation, such as over-indulgence in the use of tobacco,… Continue Reading →
Cracked Teeth. A tooth broken from trauma or any other cause may not be painful or diseased itself, but jagged, sharp edges of the teeth are often points of chronic irritation for the gums, cheeks and tongue. Continued irritation becomes… Continue Reading →