Everybody wants to live a long life. What is important is to live a healthy life which has been qualitative and not quantitative. To lead such a beautiful stress free life it is suggested that every individual should undergo al… Continue Reading →
Many people get anxious about the subject of male prostate exams, and many men are unaware of the importance of this medical procedure. It’s crucial for men to undergo a prostate exam before age 50 to check their health. This… Continue Reading →
According to National Institute of Health (NIH) more than 50% of the men who come under the age category of 60 and about 90% of those who are 70 suffer from enlarged prostate. Benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH are other… Continue Reading →
Change is inevitable in life and younger generations are more flexible to change their lifestyle when compared to older men. In todays world, transportation has substituted walking, bright light bulbs have substituted low lit candles, but many still clinging to… Continue Reading →
Why Green Tea is the Latest Mantra for Making Metabolism Going Green Green tea is becoming extremely popular among the beverages with caffeine content. Can this be a substitute for the morning cup of java and be beneficial with its… Continue Reading →
Why Alcohol Induced Metabolism is More Harmful than Anything Else Alcohol is used by many people as a food supplement. While it satisfies the palate and creates the mood on many occasions, its serious bad effects can prove fatal if… Continue Reading →