Understand about tobacco and smoking The question can smoking cause mouth cancer is answered in the affirmative. It is very important to note that tobacco in cigarettes are harmful to both smokers and non-smokers as they contain over 250 harmful… Continue Reading →
Know About Cancer and its Causes ‘Cancer’ that is turning more to be a word of common usage in the world today has become a cause of great concern to people, with ,many wanting to know what it exactly is,… Continue Reading →
Know about the cancer of the cervix Cancer or malignant tumors that start off in the cervix or the lower, narrow part of the uterus that is located in between the bladder and rectum and that opens out into the… Continue Reading →
The throat cancer occurs behind the roof of the mouth and nose. It turns to the esophagus of the lower neck after merging in the windpipe. This kind of cancer is a threat to health, when overlooked. Early diagnosis is… Continue Reading →
Good Medicines as Alternative cancer Therapies Cancer patients, in their millions, resort to chemotherapy to free themselves from cancer but chemotherapy takes its toll on their energy. The profound side effect of this therapy is, invariably, loss of hair. In… Continue Reading →
Our modern era has become significant for rapid rise of skin cancer incidence. Two major factors in this sudden increase are environmental pollution and depletion of ozone layer that protects us.Though genetic factors, exposure to risky chemicals cause cancer of… Continue Reading →