Why is Surgery a Good Congenital Heart Disease Treatment Alternative? Generally, surgery is the most common congenital heart disease treatment. However, most of the time there is no requirement of congenital heart disease treatment itself. Irrespective of the case, it… Continue Reading →
Why is Atherosclerosis the Main Cause of Coronary Heart Disease? The main cause of coronary heart disease is atherosclerosis. The outcome of atherosclerosis is the development of fatty and fibrous plaques and deposits of calcium that narrow the arteries that… Continue Reading →
Rheumatic fever that is a result of a strep throat infection is the reason behind acute rheumatic heart disease. Rheumatic fever normally attacks children between the age of five and fifteen. This is the reason behind inflammation of connective tissues… Continue Reading →
Heart is a very vital organ that is responsible for all the actions that take place in the body and ensures that people live a normal life. The heart carries out the circulation of blood to the rest of the… Continue Reading →
Before the year 1987, not many researches and studies were done to understand adult congenital heart disease. This is because this disease was more often associated with children than with adults that made the medical professionals overlook adult congenital heart… Continue Reading →
Chronic rheumatic heart disease is related to certain conditions like mitral stenosis, cardiac arrhythmias, as well as left ventricular dysfunction. For a matter of fact, chronic rheumatic heart disease is the only cause behind mitral valve stenosis that ends up… Continue Reading →