Search results “ear”

Misinterpreted pains – Heartburn

Heartburn may be very severe, but can usually be identified by several characteristics. It often becomes much worse soon after eating; it is sometimes relieved by standing up; it is frequently made worse by bending forward or by lying down…. Continue Reading →

Shingles pain is not from heart

Shingles (Herpes Zoster) is a burning, aching pain usually on one side of the chest wall. We know where the pain is coming from as soon as we recognize shingles, for a skin eruption usually Fig. 66. Breast Pain. Caused… Continue Reading →

Not all pains originate from heart

Let us study next, pain in the chest originating from bone, muscle and ligament of the chest wall. Pain of this sort is usually regularly produced by certain movements of the body, such as sneezing, bending, coughing or lifting. These… Continue Reading →

Knowing the Chest pains clearly

Chest Pains When pain strikes in the chest, one question leaps to the foreground. Is the pain coming from the heart or somewhere else? It is the same for all people including doctors themselves, who Fig. 63. Chest pain strikes… Continue Reading →

Disease of the heart – Heart Block and Angina Pectoris

Heart Block. This is easily identified. The heartbeat is regular like marching feet, but one beat is missed out of a regular sequence. The missed beat may be noticed after every twenty-four regular beats, or possibly after every five beats;… Continue Reading →

Tachycardia and Fibrillation of the Heart

Tachycardia (Fast Heart). In this condition, the heartbeat rate speeds up two or three times the normal rate. It is often found in young people with no serious heart disease, but who are frequently bothered with these uncomfortable and terrifying… Continue Reading →

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