Search results “ear”

Knowing the Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer Cancer of the skin is very common after the age of fifty. It appears in several forms, is usually painless and may grow rapidly or slowly, but characteristically it never heals of its own accord. The most common… Continue Reading →

Headaches – Eye, Glaucoma, and Sinus

Eye headaches Contrary to popular belief, improperly focusing eyes, in need of glasses for correct refraction, do not often cause headaches. It is true that headaches may result from some eye diseases, but the widespread belief that many recurring headaches… Continue Reading →

Headache from brain tumor

Headache caused by brain tumors are extremely rare. More than one-half of all people with medical complaint have headaches, but an extremely small number of them have brain tumor. It is also true, however, that nearly all people with brain… Continue Reading →

Problems of the head – Headaches, Blood vessel headaches

The Head The entire purpose of the human body is to maintain and serve the head and its function. As the seat of the soul, the head includes the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and the face itself. Examination of the… Continue Reading →

How to Remove Kidney Stone Naturally & Safely

Kidneys help purify blood and discharge impurities through urine. Kidney stones are formed when urine is concentrated leading to crystallization and the minerals in urine to fuse together. Kidney stones are formed over time as they gradually grow in size… Continue Reading →

Coping With Insomnia In Toddlers

Understanding all about insomnia in toddlers Insomnia or sleep disturbances in children presents itself as a difficulty in falling sleep, staying awake at night or waking up earlier without adequate quality sleep. Insomnia in toddlers could be a great cause… Continue Reading →

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