Kidneys help purify blood and discharge impurities through urine. Kidney stones are formed when urine is concentrated leading to crystallization and the minerals in urine to fuse together. Kidney stones are formed over time as they gradually grow in size… Continue Reading →
Understanding all about insomnia in toddlers Insomnia or sleep disturbances in children presents itself as a difficulty in falling sleep, staying awake at night or waking up earlier without adequate quality sleep. Insomnia in toddlers could be a great cause… Continue Reading →
In order for you to get treated from irritable bowel syndrome, you would have to take a lot of medicines, most of them over-the-counter drugs, in order to help you get rid of the situation. There are lot of medical… Continue Reading →
There are several types of respiratory patterns. These patterns are differentiated by typical parameters and values which consist of pauses, inhalation and exhalations, respiratory frequency and body oxygen test results. About 100 years back a set of parameters for normal… Continue Reading →
Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths that occur in the linings of the uterus. These tumors affect women especially during their child-bearing years, and they are expected to disappear after menopause. But because these growths cause pain during menstruation or sexual… Continue Reading →
Ovarian cyst is a common gynecological problem that can affect any woman at any stage of life. This chronic disease is difficult to diagnose at times, as the symptoms are not always apparent. However, it is essential to correctly diagnosis… Continue Reading →