Heart Attack Pain. What can we say of the pain in the “heart attack?” We know now that all heart pain is due to a lack of blood supply to the heart muscle. In the heart attack, a blood clot… Continue Reading →
Heart Pain-The usual cause of heart pain is directly due to a too-small supply of blood to the muscle of the heart itself. This is hard to understand when we know that all of the body blood goes through the… Continue Reading →
Heartburn may be very severe, but can usually be identified by several characteristics. It often becomes much worse soon after eating; it is sometimes relieved by standing up; it is frequently made worse by bending forward or by lying down…. Continue Reading →
Shingles (Herpes Zoster) is a burning, aching pain usually on one side of the chest wall. We know where the pain is coming from as soon as we recognize shingles, for a skin eruption usually Fig. 66. Breast Pain. Caused… Continue Reading →
Let us study next, pain in the chest originating from bone, muscle and ligament of the chest wall. Pain of this sort is usually regularly produced by certain movements of the body, such as sneezing, bending, coughing or lifting. These… Continue Reading →
What can we know of chest pains for our own benefit? Let us look at chest pain generally to observe a few fundamental facts about it. First of all, most chest pains are not caused by the heart. Most chest… Continue Reading →