Wens A wen is a blocked and much enlarged skin gland. When the duct of the skin gland becomes blocked by a blackhead-like process, considerable secretion from the gland accumulates and stretches it into a small, balloon-like structure. Under the… Continue Reading →
Tinnitus affects millions of people and 20% of Americans have tinnitus. Out of this 20%, almost 90% suffer some form of hearing loss. People with even mild hearing loss are twice as likely to develop dementia. My Doctor Said to… Continue Reading →
Good nutrition entails more than just eating your broccoli. Proper nutrition is more necessary than you may think and natural health products play a significant part. Multiple elements conspire to create your own individual needs for proper nutrition; you may… Continue Reading →
Tinnitus is a condition where the person perceives abnormal sounds ?u?h ?? clicking, hissing, ringing, clicking, roaring, chirping and other noise. Usually the noise only exists in the sufferers head and no one else can hear it. Depending on the… Continue Reading →
Tinnitus is a condition where a person hears noises in their own head that no else hears. It can be exasperating and stressful. Depending on the severity of the condition, the noise can either be soft or high pitched. The… Continue Reading →
You already know what tinnitus is… and you’re sick of it. The incessant ringing and buzzing noises is getting on your nerves 24/7. Most tinnitus sufferers go through a phase where the condition makes them angry and they will do… Continue Reading →