Did you know that up to 80% of women develop ovarian cysts during their lifetime, but most never know they have them? Recent research from the American Journal of Obstetrics reveals that understanding cyst sizes helps reduce anxiety and improves… Continue Reading →
Did you know that kidney stones affect about 1 in 11 Americans, yet most people don’t know what size stone requires medical attention? A recent study by the National Kidney Foundation revealed that 70% of people wait too long before… Continue Reading →
Have you ever wondered if your heart beats differently at 45 than it did at 25? According to recent research from the American Heart Association, 68% of men don’t know their optimal heart rate range for their age. Think of… Continue Reading →
Did you know your heart beats about 100,000 times every day? And here’s something surprising: women’s hearts typically beat faster than men’s. According to recent research by the American Heart Association, 73% of women don’t know their target heart rate… Continue Reading →
Did you know your toilet habits could save your life? It might sound strange, but a quick glance before you flush could offer vital clues about your health. Recent research from the American Gastroenterological Association reveals that 70% of people… Continue Reading →
You check your phone. You count steps. You might even track your sleep. But when was the last time you checked your blood pressure? A recent study by the American Heart Association revealed that 47% of American men have high… Continue Reading →