Cancer of the Lung is a most important disease after the age of fifty. Much more common in men than in women, its occurrence rate is increasing faster than any other kind of cancer. The cause remains unknown but tremendous… Continue Reading →
Tuberculosis is amazingly widespread, but most people who have had this disease are not aware of it. In larger cities where tubercular infections are more common, about 40 percent of the twenty-one year old population has had tuberculosis, whereas, 95… Continue Reading →
Emphysema is a thinning out of the lung tissue itself and is seen only rarely below the age of fifty. When not enough lung tissue remains to carry on easy, effective breathing, more rapid breathing is required for complete full… Continue Reading →
Leukoplakia. A whitish discoloration, as a soft wet crusting on the tongue surface and occasionally on the inner surface of the cheek, is termed leukoplakia. It is the result of chronic irritation, such as over-indulgence in the use of tobacco,… Continue Reading →
Practicing yoga has helped many people in many ways. Such people who need to release their tension can do yoga exercises in order to relieve themselves. Sometimes, you might end up with lot of work and you may not find… Continue Reading →
Examination of the Face Examine the face before a close-up mirror using a secondary mirror as required.1. Examine the texture of the facial skin. Note any recent growth, bleeding points, long unhealed sores, or any painful swollen areas on the… Continue Reading →