Search results “lungs”

What causes Wheezing in Asthma?

What is Wheezing? Wheezing is a symptom mostly associated with asthma where a whistling sound is produced continuously in the respiratory tract while breathing. The sound is in high pitch while inhaling. It results in disturbed sleep due to labor… Continue Reading →

What causes Swollen Glands under Chin?

What are Swollen Glands under Chin?What Causes Swollen Glands under Chin? There are several factors causing the swelling of glands under the chin. They are: 1.Virus and Bacterial Infections: The common and major cause for the swollen glands under chin… Continue Reading →

Great Home Remedies For Respiratory Infection

Understanding respiratory infection Breathing that we consider vital for life can turn difficult for some people when they suffer from respiratory infection. This infection affects the respiratory system that consists of the lungs, bronchial tubes, upper respiratory tract, trachea, pleural… Continue Reading →

What are the symptoms of Throat Candida?

What is Throat Candida Infection? Throat Candida infection is also known as Candida Albicans throat infection. A person is infected when there is an overgrowth of Candida fungus. This fungus lives naturally in the digestive tract. As per human physiology,… Continue Reading →

Do You Want To Know About Prevention For Asthma

Acknowledge the fact that you have to live and manage asthma Asthma that is caused by allergies and other causes and requires a long term treatment and care. It also requires the building and management of an asthma care and… Continue Reading →

What are the Dfferent Treatments for Candida Glabrata?

Candida Glabrata is non-dimorphic haploid yeast. The occurrence of candida glabrata can be treated using anti-fungals, probiotic treatment, anti-pyretics, oxygen therapy, boric acid and in extreme cases, using a surgery. An overview on these treatment options is covered below. Candida… Continue Reading →

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