Search results “scalp”

Disease of the Male genitals – Scrotal Hernia

Scrotal Hernia, Rupture into the Scrotum. Long-standing hernias or ruptures frequently descend into the scrotum and create enlargement of the scrotal sac. When standing or straining, the mass appears to fall outside of the lower abdomen, underneath the skin, and… Continue Reading →

Absence of Testicle or Atrophic and Pain

Testicle Diseases-Absence, Pain, Tumors. Absence of the testicle at any age is nearly always a physical defect, present since childhood. It is usually an undescended testicle, which has remained unnoticed in the abdomen. Many men with just one external testicle… Continue Reading →

Hydrocele in the Male genital region

Cysts, Hydrocele, Spermatocele. Hydrocele and spermatocele, commonly called water cysts, occur frequently in the male genital tract. They are felt in either side of the scrotum as a smooth, balloon-like enlargement, which slowly may enlarge to the size of a… Continue Reading →

Chancroid-Ducrey infection and cancer of the penis

Chancroid-Ducrey Infection. Chancre-like sores on the penis and other parts of the body, often thought to be syphilitic in nature, are sometimes caused by non-venereal types of bacteria and organisms such as the Ducrey bacillus. There are other infective types… Continue Reading →

Diseases of the Male Genital Region

The male genitals are beset with a definite group of difficulties. Some of them are common in both young and old, but most of these troubles occur after the age of fifty. They may arise from infection, the physical state… Continue Reading →

Examining the Male Genital Region

The Genital region The genitals of both sexes are of great interest in later years. What can be expected as normal sexual activity after fifty seems almost a hidden question and an understanding of male and female physical problems is… Continue Reading →

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