Heart Failure {Congestive Failure, Dropsy). The normal heart pumps more than enough blood for all body functions, but the diseased heart may not be able to pump the minimum required by the body, and then heart failure is said to… Continue Reading →
Exposure to the sun may prove good initially to get a tan and mask off acne, but it could lead to further breakouts of acne due to dried and irritated skin. It is to be realized that the excessive suns… Continue Reading →
“You may simply be much annoyed with the offensive odor, discharge, irritation and itching on your vaginaā€¯ maybe the lament of many women that are affected with bacterial vaginitis or infection in the vagina that is generally difficult to diagnose… Continue Reading →
If you have diabetes, then you are at an increased risk of a number of different foot conditions. In fact, even problems that would typically be considered to be quite ordinary and minor can develop into serious conditions. This type… Continue Reading →
Vitiligo sometimes can be most frustrating skin condition which may cause lack of self-esteem to anyone. Also recent research shows that thoes who have vitiligo are more prone to having skin cancer than who does’nt have vitiligo. So, its at… Continue Reading →
What is Saccharomyces Boulardii (SB)? Candida Albicans is a pathogen that leads to intestinal infection in patients with lower levels of immunity. It causes serious candidiasis. Saccharomyces Boulardii or SB as popularly known is a probiotic product apparently effective in… Continue Reading →