Why water is good for health You would be surprised to know that water covers about 2 out of 3 parts in the planet earth, and weight loss is just not achieved by just eating right, exercising well and regularly…. Continue Reading →
Understand rheumatoid arthritis “My joints really hurt and I feel so helpless”, maybe what most people that are affected by rheumatoid arthritis may say that may make most of you empathize with them. This is quite true because this disease… Continue Reading →
Understand about tobacco and smoking The question can smoking cause mouth cancer is answered in the affirmative. It is very important to note that tobacco in cigarettes are harmful to both smokers and non-smokers as they contain over 250 harmful… Continue Reading →
Know About Cancer and its Causes ‘Cancer’ that is turning more to be a word of common usage in the world today has become a cause of great concern to people, with ,many wanting to know what it exactly is,… Continue Reading →
Know about the cancer of the cervix Cancer or malignant tumors that start off in the cervix or the lower, narrow part of the uterus that is located in between the bladder and rectum and that opens out into the… Continue Reading →
Understand a blood blister Understanding a blood blister proves very essential before we start treating it, with this applying to all blisters whether they are on the hands, feet, or any other part of the body. It is best to… Continue Reading →