Anal Fissure. An anal fissure, or fissure-in-ano, is a crack in the skin of the anal wall similar to a crack in the corner of the mouth. The fissure is actually draining pus, like the top of a boil, from… Continue Reading →
The anal region does not long suffer in silence, and its many difficulties are soon called to our attention by pain, often of severe degree. Most of us know very little about the anal region, and the idea of hemorrhoids,… Continue Reading →
The Anal region Examination of the Anus Throughout history, the idea of good bowel function has been a mental image of good health, and practically every human malady has at some period been judged better or worse, depending on the… Continue Reading →
This study considers female genital diseases in the post-meno-pausal period. Some of these conditions however, are found in pre-menopausal women at a considerably younger age because some diseases do not respect the menopause as a barrier or preventer of disease…. Continue Reading →
This examination is best carried out lying on the back with the knees well bent and held wide apart. With good light and a large hand mirror, the external vagina and its component parts can be visualized easily. Fig. 111…. Continue Reading →
Cancer of the Prostate Gland. Cancer of the prostate gland behaves exactly like non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate, and is treated in essentially the same manner-removal of the gland. Cancer, however, which has a characteristic feel to the finger, and… Continue Reading →