Search results “skin”

Skin abnormalities – Shingles, Lupus, and Xanthelasma

Shingles, Fever Blisters, Herpes Herpes, or shingles, are virus-induced infections and are of two kinds. First, there is the small, reddened and blistery type of skin sore, referred to as fever blisters or cold sores, usually found in the area… Continue Reading →

Skin abnormalities – Psoriasis, Impetigo, and Eczema

Psoriasis Psoriasis is one of the most common skin diseases of mature and later years. It resembles a growth of dull red splotches about the size of a dime, covered with a thin silvery white scale. Sometimes several of these… Continue Reading →

Skin abnormalities – Moles, Senile Keratosis, and Angioma

Moles The ordinary mole begins in youth, but may develop in middle or even later years of life. They are usually light brown, with a slightly elevated appearance and considered desirable as a beauty spot by many people. Most moles,… Continue Reading →

Skin abnormalities – Intertrigo and Warts

Intertrigo, Sweat Rash Reddened, wet and itching skin under large breasts and in the skin folds of obese abdomens is called intertrigo. The skin may be macerated, cracked and have erosions appearing as though sand-papered, and boil-like eruptions may appear.This… Continue Reading →

Skin abnormalities – Hives and Boils

Hives, Urticaria Hives and similar skin reactions of allergy are a problem for many people. Hives are elevated pea-sized nodules accompanied by intense itching, and they can arrive in a few minutes after eating, breathing, or touching any substance to… Continue Reading →

Skin abnormalities due to Yellow Jaundice, Vitiligo and Seorrheic Dermatitis

Yellow Jaundice A progressive and rapid development of yellow discoloration in the skin and whites of the eyes, frequently reflects disease of the liver and gallbladder system. This condition, termed jaundice, is frequently connected with a light clay color to… Continue Reading →

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