Search results “teeth”

Dentitox Pro Review – A Proven Dental Health Supplement?

Most of us hate visiting the dentist. The idea of someone sticking tools in our mouths and fiddling around inside while we lie on a chair helplessly like a gaping goldfish is no one’s idea of fun. Let’s not even… Continue Reading →

Congestive Failure and Coronary Occlusion of the heart

Heart Failure {Congestive Failure, Dropsy). The normal heart pumps more than enough blood for all body functions, but the diseased heart may not be able to pump the minimum required by the body, and then heart failure is said to… Continue Reading →

Tonsil Removal Procedure to Remove Tonsils

Tonsil removal procedure is commonly called as Tonsillectomy. Tonsil removal surgery is most commonly performed in children and also adults at some rare cases. When the tonsils become infected or enlarged then it should be removed before it gets complicated…. Continue Reading →

Tackling Habit Disorders In Children

A bird eye view of habit disorders in children You would find that most of us build habits as a behavior that is learnt and repeated often so that we then start continuing to do it even without thinking whether… Continue Reading →

Tell Me A Natural Remedy For Tonsil Stones

Understand what tonsil stones are and whether you have it Ah my sore throat is so painful and it would never heal! But I am so scared to dig out the white and yellow lumps that seem embedded in my… Continue Reading →

Know The Natural Treatment For Dry Mouth

Why do you have a dry mouth This brings to mind what some people always pulled others legs for; loud mouths get dry mouths. However it is not necessarily loud mouths, but dry mouth or xerostomia affects over 32% of… Continue Reading →

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