A bunch of chemical reactions that convert the food we take in to fuel and energy for the use of our body is called metabolism. This energy released by metabolism is utilized not only for voluntary actions like running and… Continue Reading →
A very serious condition called hypothyroidism or inactivity of the thyroid has a number of symptoms like fatigue, gain in weight abnormally, metabolic disorders like drop in metabolic rate etc. In such a case you have to boost metabolism, store… Continue Reading →
Tremors of the Hands and Fingers. Tremors in the fingers and hands may designate various diseases. They are present in some forms of thyroid disease, and frequently in excessive nervousness. In later years however, the most common hand and finger… Continue Reading →
Sciatica is a soreness of the sciatic nerve, with sharp shooting pain and soreness along the nerve distribution in the hip, the back of the thigh and down into the leg. Usually, these pains are not constant but are produced… Continue Reading →
The Lower Extremities Examination of the Lower Extremities The lower extremities are examined unclothed, standing, and in all positions of functions, with the aid of enough light and the support of a table. 1. Stand on the leg to be… Continue Reading →
This examination is best carried out lying on the back with the knees well bent and held wide apart. With good light and a large hand mirror, the external vagina and its component parts can be visualized easily. Fig. 111…. Continue Reading →