Health care, in the 19th century was based on minimum causative information. There were no X rays in 1800 as X rays were discovered in 1895 and immediately they were used as diagnostic tool in medicine. During the 19th century diagnostic tools mainly included symptoms and history of the results of similar ailments. Health care in the 19th century included doctors care, a visit to the apothecary and remaining in the hospital.
Doctors and Hospitals in 1800
Until 1870s disinfectants were not used and hospitals were very unsanitary tell Joseph Lister found out the use of Carbolic acid and brought down infectious during operations. Health care was a hit or misadventure in the 19th century curing never meant getting better. It generally meant washing, feeding, comforting, taking care of the sick. Hospitals then and even now remain unsanitary places.
The discovery of penicillin by chance in 1929 brought about a total metamorphosis in the benefits of hospitals. Sir Alexander Fleming saw a mold had developed on a culture plate he had forgotten under a microscope. The bacteria, around the new penicillin mould had died. At thus point only the 19th century health practices moved in to the 20th century.
The health care especially surgical care on patients in the 19th century was brutal. Only in 1846, when as American dentist William Thomas Green used ether on a patient while extracting a tooth, the success because evident. The new idea of putting the patient to sleep during an operation came into effect.
All Medicine to day is focused on the general well being of the body and its complex systems. Unlike 19th century health care, it not only treated the symptoms but made you feel better.
Some medicines were not helpful at all. For many, 19tyh century, health care meant going to the apothecary to get some herb or potion. Though some of the natural remedies were medicinal, the alchemist was met a real doctor. Sometimes the remedy, instead of curing killed. By the end of the century, 19th century health care practices were modernized and the practicing doctor became the centre of the provision of good care.