Discussions over the prevention of skin cancer focus on the use of tanning bed or booths that use ultra violet radiation to produce a cosmetic tan. These beds use specific fluorescent lamps to omit ultra violet rays similar to suns rays. Excess use of this duct makes people vulnerable to skin cancer. A certain amount of sunlight is absolutely essential for the skin to keep itself and the body healthy and cheerful. The body is able to produce vitamins through sunshine. This vitamin is a must for regulating certain processes in our body to safeguard normal growth and health.

Earlier, people were not concerned about sun bathing and tanning despite the danger of over exposure and the risk of skin cancer. At present, environmental pollution and depletion of ozone layer have increased the risk of skin cancer, more than our exposure to UV rays of the sun or tanning beds. According to statistic skin cancer has become one of the fastest growing cancers. No doubt, ultra violet rays are used by skin specialists to treat eczema and psoriasis; they are vigorously used for cosmetic purposes. Young women are found to use tanning saloons more than young men. As such skin cancer is found more with the young women.

Tanning beds make use of light rays that combine UVA and UVB wave lengths. It is not the use of the lights or exposure but the excess use of this that is dangerous for health and skin. People feel that if basically good anything is right.The WHO has banned tanning beds for people under 18 because much damage can be done to the young skin now and later in life and youngsters cannot exercise their judgment properly in regulating the use. France and California have already adapted this law.

The incidence of skin cancer does not depend upon the will or decision of the person in using or not using the tanning bed or over exposure to UV rays. Over exposure definitely affects the individual and skin cancer is inevitable, as opportunity is available through out the year for our exposure.If a person is not affected it does not mean that the other will be unaffected with skin cancer. Each persons genetic make up is unique. We should be cautious about the exposure we have with sunlight as well as a tanning salon. Dont believe in the promises of others who are selfish and want to sell you on it.Take your own time to analyze the reasons and examine them against any risks so that you will arrive at the best balance for your good health.
