Erectile dysfunction is more common among men and simply because men do not talk or complain about it, it does not mean that is absent. Medicines, stress, age and diet have their effect on the body. If you are not prepared to take medications for erectile dysfunction, there are herbs to set it right naturally. The three best herbs for setting right erectile dysfunction are saw palmetto, Ginseng and Ginkgo.
Saw Palmetto the Best
Saw palmetto has been used for long to treat the enlarged prostate gland naturally as well as urinary tract infections. Most men are totally ignorant of the part played by the urinary tract and the prostate in erectile performance. If both the prostate and the urinary tract are healthy, there is an improvement in erectile performance.
Ginseng is a Winner
Ginseng is a restorer of energy found in many popular body fueling energy drinks and also in many supplements. It is famous for stimulating the body without nervousness. Only recently it has been tested by men affected with erectile dysfunction. According to studies, just after taking ginseng for eight weeks, many men showed a marked improvement in libido and the capacity for sustaining an erection. The herb is renowned for increasing potency and there are records to show that men in olden days used the herb for gaining stamina and potency.
Ginkgo is Gaining Popularity
In clinical tests ginkgo was found to relax and smoothen the muscle and increase blood flow to the penis. Its effect is best when men with erectile dysfunction under antidepressant medications use it. In a trial, over 50% of men who had this herb felt a marked improvement in their ability to get and maintain an erection.
Erectile Dysfunction can happen to you
This is more common than you think. Erectile dysfunction can happen to any one at any time and all experience it occasionally. If you want to tackle the problem through a natural approach, think of taking herbs for erectile dysfunction.