Tinnitus may be pronounced as either “tin-NY-tus” or “Tin-uh-tus”. The truth of the matter is that the pronunciation is usually the least of any tinnitus sufferer’s worries. This is a condition where that is a constant, continuous or intermittent sound in the ears that no one else seems to hear except the person suffering from tinnitus. This is not a psychiatric condition and the person hearing these noises is not mad.

The sounds heard may be ringing, buzzing, whistling, hissing, clicking or other similar types of noises. Depending on the severity of the condition, the noise may be a low ringing tone of a loud roar. This is not a life-threatening disease but it can be very disrupting to one’s life. Your social life, sleep, work, etc. will all be adversely affected if you’re unable to get a grip on your tinnitus.
This is quite a common condition and over the years, trends show that more and more people are getting tinnitus at a younger age. To make matters worse, there is no cure for tinnitus. The symptoms may be mitigated by addressing the trigger factors and eliminating them but there is no permanent cure for this lifelong problem.
There are 2 types of tinnitus. The more common one is subjective tinnitus where only the sufferer is able to hear the noises. The second type is known as objective tinnitus whereby a doctor will also be able to hear the noises that the sufferer hears. Objective tinnitus can be cured with surgery. So, there is hope for those suffering from objective tinnitus.
Studies have shown that about 33% of people suffering from tinnitus were unable to sleep properly due to the loud sounds that they kept hearing in their own head. This lack of sleep can be stressful and with the added stress, the tinnitus symptoms get exacerbated. It’s a vicious cycle.
So what causes tinnitus?
The reasons vary with individuals and that’s one of the reasons this condition is so difficult to treat. Head and neck injuries may cause tinnitus. Nerve damage, sensitivity to some drugs, constant exposure to loud noises, middle-ear infections, ear wax blockage, Meniere’s disease, a perforated eardrum, anemia, etc. are all causes of tinnitus.
A doctor will be the best person to diagnose and analyze why you have tinnitus and what your best cause of action is. If your job involves constant exposure to loud noises, e.g. you’re a construction worker operating a pneumatic drill or a sound technician for a rock band, etc. you will be subjected to hours of deafening sound.
This is definitely a potential trigger for tinnitus. You will need to take steps to address the issue. In some cases, if the tinnitus is bad, you may even need to consider changing your job. It’s tough but this is a tough condition that will need to be addressed for you to have peace of mind.
Tinnitus affects millions of people and if you suffer from it, you should do whatever you can to learn about the problem and see what is worsening it. Find out if there are any measures you can take or changes you can make to your lifestyle to diminish the symptoms. Give them a try and see if they work. Stay positive and find out what works for you.