The factors that decide the metabolic rate from one person to another are many. The factors that contribute to these are genetics, age, sex and the quantity of slim body mass. Many vitamins and minerals play their part here. But if more amount if expended by the body it stores it in the body tissue or removes it. For proper functioning of the body a unique balance of metabolism vitamin is necessary.
Different functions are performed by vitamins which come in various forms. Toxic amounts of vitamins and minerals bring in serious problems of health. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals also cause health problems. Loss of weight can be experienced through the stimulation of nervous system by herbs like Ma Huang. Side effects also can be produced by boosting nervousness and sleeplessness. Want of iodine causes weight gain and a feeling of lethargy.
Vitamin A is needed for healthy teeth and skin and good vision. Damaging free radicals are removed from the body through its anti oxidant qualities. Vitamin B1 allow the heart and nerve cells work properly and change carbohydrates to energy. B2 produces healthy red blood cells and aids in converting carbohydrates in to energy.
Niacin in the B vitamin group promotes healthy skin and nerves. It brings down the cholesterol level and converts food to energy.
Vitamin B6 is needed for the body to use protein. Higher protein intake requires higher B6 volume. It is a metabolism vitamin helping normal brain activity and increases the immune system. Central nervous system is looked after by vitamin B12. It also helps to form red blood cells.
Biotin keeps up healthy cholesterol levels making cell membranes healthy in the brain.
Folic acid aids B12 form red blood cells. Its lack causes serious birth defects like spina bifida. Pregnant women should take more folic acid.
Vitamin C, an antioxidant improves healthy teeth, gums providing energy and helping the healing of wounds.
Vitamin E also an anti oxidant improves smooth healthy skin. Metabolism vitamins preserve healthy bones, skin and general good health. Most of our foods do not offer much nutritional value. Fast foods cause weight gain and obesity. Energetic and healthy life can be assured by metabolism vitamins and a healthy diet.