From time immemorial “the Fountain of Youth” has fascinated man. Probably the cause for this is man’s vanity or the fear of aging and death. The quest for anti aging has now become almost universal.
What is Anti aging
Human beings are made of composite matter with a limited life span ensuring death sooner or later and will become next to hit you after the taxes. The passionate yearning to retain the youth for long has made a number of people do research to slow down the aging process.
Anti aging lessens the effects of aging and delays’ its process. According to doctors and researchers the factors that decide how well we age are the use and abuse of your body.
Today this is not at all a figment of imagination. It is now a new and growing medical field of research dedicated to the formulation of procedures to combat the signs of aging.
Diet and Exercise
Diet and exercise is the factor that determine how quick or slow we begin to age. Restricting the intake of calories and exercise help, in slowing down the destruction of cells and tissues while aging. Scientists are in the dark regarding its working and why it is a major factor in aging. They have however a number of theories.
Low intake of calories reduces the damage from the chemical metabolic process like oxidative, considered as the leading cause for cellular damage. To fight against it we must use a high quality anti oxidant to kick up our immune system and avoid certain cancers.
Though exercise makes one look younger, it is the thing that one likes to avoid to the maximum. You look good and feel good with exercise, get more strength and energy. While your bone density also increases. Exercise speeds up our metabolism, increases circulation in our entire body, increases our lung function, releases endorphins that drive away our stress and depressions. Above all it increases our lymphatic function.
The Key
“Moderation” is the key to aging well or anti aging. We should never over use or abuse our own body. A small improvement in diet and exercise may be the answer to provide a healthier and longer life. As .life is to be enjoyed you must listen to your body and care for it. “Drink life to the lees” and have a healthy, disease free lie.